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Select Publications


The Original I ching: an Authentic Translation of the Book of Changes,  Based on Recent Discoveries. (Tuttle, September 2011)


The Spanish Edition: I Ching Ancestral/Ancient I Ching by Pearson, Merlos  (Albatros/Argentina 2013) 


“Towards a New Reading of Hexagram 44," in The Oracle: the Journal of Yijing Studies (London), vol. 2, no.11 (September 2000), pp 25-29. (read full article >)


Wang Fu and the Ch'ien-fu lun: a Study with Translations (Center 

for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1989)


Entries on Wang Fu, Qianfu lun, in Encyclopedia of Confucianism, ed. Yao Xinzhong. (London, Curzon, 2003), 486-488,630-631.


"Ch’ien-fu lun," with Chen Chi-yun, in Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographic Guide, ed., Michael Loewe. (Berkeley, Institute for East Asian Studies, 1993), 12-15.


Wang Fu, "Thinking of Worthies," in Renditions: a Chinese-English Translation Magazine. (Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990), 52-57.


Some Conference Papers and Presentations


"Is the Book of Changes binary?" Needham Research Institute

Cambridge, UK, May 2015.

“Yin Meanings in the Shijing and Zhouyi,”  Annual Meeting, American Oriental Society, St. Louis, Missouri,  March 13, 2010.

“Nation, Gender, and Climate: English Stereotyping of the Female in China’s Great Binary Divide,” Conference on Stereotypes and Binary Divides, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Cambridge University, June 24, 2005.


“Women in the Book of Changes,” web-based seminar,, June 24, 2005.  


“Zhang Heng’s Memorial on the Earthquakes of 133,” Text-Reading Seminar, Needham Research Institute, May 13, 2005.


“Yin: a Place of Refuge,” Conference on Peace and Justice, Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Asilomar, California, June 21, 2004.


“De-gendering yin and yang in the earliest Chinese texts,” Clare Hall, Cambridge University, May 30, 2002.


"A new reading of hexagram 44 of the Yijing (Book of Changes)," Text-reading Seminar, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, May 1998. 


Fellowships and Affiliations


Visiting Scholar, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, 1999-2015.

Life Member, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, 1999 to present

Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, 1997-1998.


Member, University Seminars on Early China, Columbia University. Traditional China, Modern China (chair, Traditional China, 1990-1992)




Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 1980-2011


State University of New York at Albany (SUNY), Albany, NY 1981-1985


Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY  1981-1982


New School for Social Research, NYC  1978-1979


University without Walls, Comstock Prison, 1990-1992



B.A. in History, Smith College


M.A. in Chinese Studies, University of Washington

Thesis: Xie Bingying, Participant in the Family Revolution in China.


Inter-University Program (Stanford Center), Taiwan National University, Taipei


Ph.D. in History, University of Washington

Dissertation: The Worthy Unemployed: Wang Fu and the Comments of a Recluse

Photo: Chris Weigl

Margaret J. Pearson

Margaret J. Pearson, Ph.D., studied Chinese literature with Hellmut Wilhelm, and history with Jack Dull and Chan Hok-lam. During her Chinese language studies at the Inter-University Center in Taipei, Taiwan, she translated classical texts by Laozi and Xunzi into modern Chinese. Her doctoral dissertation was the first English translation of the political sections of Wang Fu’s Qianfulun. In 1997 she was elected a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and was elected to life membership there the following year. Since 1980, she has taught Chinese and Japanese history at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York.

© 2018 by Margaret Pearson, PhD. 

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